D is for Dominance: graphic

D style

D is for Dominance

People with the DiSC D style personality tend to place a strong emphasis on shaping the environment and overcoming opposition to accomplish results.

D styles are motivated by winning, competition, and success: illustration

“The Winner”

D styles are motivated by winning, competition, and success. They prioritize taking action, accepting challenges, and achieving results and are often described as direct and demanding, strong-willed, driven, and determined. D styles tend to be outspoken, but can be rather skeptical and questioning of others.

  • Fears: being seen as vulnerable or being taken advantage of

  • Values: competency, action, concrete results, personal freedom, and challenges

  • Overuses: the need to win, resulting in win/lose situations

  • Influences others by: assertiveness, insistence, competition

  • In conflict: speaks up about problems; looks to even the score

  • Could improve effectiveness through: patience, empathy

DiSC Classic patterns: Developer, Result-Oriented, Inspirational, Creative

DiSC style goals (illustration)

D style goals

D styles tend to have goals such as these:

  • strive for unique accomplishments
  • explore new opportunities
  • maintain control of the audience
  • achieve independence
  • get bottom-line results
DiSC style challenges (illustration)

D style challenge

D styles may need to expend more energy to:

  • show patience
  • display sensitivity
  • explain the details
  • allow for deliberation
DiSC style leadership (illustration)

D style in leadership

D-style leaders are often commanding and confident, taking care and focusing on results. 

They often display leadership characteristics such as these:

  • commanding
  • resolute
  • pioneering

D style variations 

Keep in mind that everyone is a blend of all four DiSC styles: D, i, S and C. But most people tend strongly toward one or two styles. If your style falls on a border with another style, you probably show traits associated with that style, as well. Thus, D styles often show traits associated with the i and C styles.

The Di style

The Di Style

Di styles tend to be results-oriented, vocal, and enthusiastic, influencing others through their charm and bold action. 

Traits: dynamic, inquisitive, persuasive, rebellious, restless, entrepreneurial, results oriented, vocal, enthusiastic

Goals: quick action, new opportunities

Fears: loss of power or status, invisibility

Influences others by: charm, bold action

Overuses: impatience, egotism, manipulation

In conflict: addresses issues head-on; may say things they will regret

Could improve effectiveness through: patience, humility, consideration of others’ ideas

Leadership qualities: Di-style leaders are often pioneering, seeking to stretch boundaries, find opportunities, and achieve results.

The DC style

The DC Style

DC styles tend to be diligent, tough-minded, and creative, influencing others through their high standards and determination. 

Traits: can be driven to perfection, takes initiative; diligent, determined, creative, blunt, critical, cool, focused, tough-minded

Goals: independence, personal accomplishment

Fears: failure to achieve their own standards

Influences others through: high standards, determination

Overuses: bluntness; sarcastic or condescending attitude

In conflict: sticks up for their own rights; digs in their heels

Could increase effectiveness through: warmth, more tactful communication

Leadership qualities: DC-style leaders are often resolute, setting high expectations and speaking up about problems. They tend to be concerned with improving methods and procedures. 

communication illustration

Communicating with a D style

When communicating with DiSC D-style individuals, give them the bottom line right from the start. Be brief. Stay focused. Avoid generalizations. Refrain from repeating yourself. And stick to solutions rather than problems.

Deepen your understanding

The D style is just one of the four basic DiSC styles that can help deepen your understanding of yourself and inspire your appreciation of others.

Deepen your understanding of DiSC