More for teams
Assessments to make teams work better
Teams are the building blocks of almost every successful organization today. Yet research has found that "most teams suffer from a critical interpersonal skills gap that impedes their potential to achieve." 1
In effect, many people are either unaware of or unable to consistently practice the behaviors that ensure team success. And many employers see teamwork as something that should either come naturally to their employees or that can be learned as they go.
The facts say otherwise:
- 79% of people say their team members fail to acknowledge their weaknesses to each other
- 55% of teams leave meetings with no collective commitment to agreed-upon decisions
- 59% of people say their team members don't take personal responsibility to improve team performance
Fortunately, there's a solution for improving teamwork skills: The Five Behaviors model developed by Patrick Lencioni. Transformed by Wiley into powerful teaching and motivation tools, this dynamic team-building model can dramatically improve how your teams work.
1source: Wiley's The State of Teams Report
The Five Behaviors®
A partnership between Wiley and best-selling author Patrick Lencioni, The Five Behaviors® can revolutionize how your teams work together to accomplish collective goals.
By teaching and actively applying The Five Behaviors—Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results—these dynamic team development solutions empower team members to rethink their approach to teamwork; develop new, more productive behaviors to increase productivity; and create a common language that redefines what it means to work together to produce results.
We recommend Five Behaviors Team Development for an intact team of 4-12 people and its leader who are collectively responsible for results. We recommend Five Behaviors Personal Development for anyone, in groups of up to 30 people.