Man reviewing DiSC catalyst profile on ipad

Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™

Personalized, interactive, actionable

Catalyst™ is the Everything DiSC® learning platform

Compared to stand-alone profiles, Catalyst is a better DiSC experience for the learner and a more flexible platform for the facilitator. Learners still receive a full PDF report, but Catalyst provides a whole suite of additional interactive content. The Catalyst experience contributes to a positive workplace culture that drives organizations forward.

Both new and long-time DiSC facilitators can get started on Catalyst quickly. It's easy to move existing learners to Catalyst, even if they already took the traditional assessment.

How do I get Catalyst?

If you don’t have an EPIC administration account, the Catalyst Admin Account Setup will help you launch Catalyst in your organization.

If you do have an EPIC administration account, Catalyst is already available in your account! You'll only need to buy enough EPIC credits to send access codes to new learners, or upgrade existing learners for free through 2025.

You can always contact us if you’re not sure.

The Catalyst experience

Catalyst supports the emerging trend toward shorter, bite-sized learning sessions. Instead of the traditional “one-and-done” training event, Everything DiSC on Catalyst is modular, extending training over a longer period of time—which is more effective for producing long-term behavior change.

  1. The assessment: Participants begin with a proprietary, computer-adaptive assessment that uncovers their DiSC styles.
  2. The results: Participants are guided through a personalized narrative, describing their DiSC style in detail. They can also download a 23-page PDF report.
  3. Advice tailored to each colleague: Learners can compare their personality style with each of their colleagues, receiving extensive tips for improving interactions and working relationships.
  4. Group tools: Users can build group maps showing DiSC style distribution on their various teams and get personalized help improving team dynamics.
  5. Learning modules: Learning can be self-directed or part of a facilitated session. Modules teach about the DiSC model, motivators and stressors, and how to build better relationships.
  6. Facilitator tools: The Everything DiSC on Catalyst facilitation kit is one of many resources helping facilitators of virtual or in-person sessions see results quickly.

Take a deeper dive into Catalyst features »

Catalyst: Colleagues' DiSC styles

Get started on Catalyst today!

Start building a workplace culture that can take your organization to the next level.

The Catalyst impact

Everything DiSC on Catalyst integrates DiSC into the natural flow of everyday work, creating a foundation for social and emotional skills training that can bring permanent cultural change.

A more effective approach to learning

In today’s workplace, few people have time for formal, all-day training sessions. That’s why the Everything DiSC facilitation experience on Catalyst is condensed into modules that can be done in any order and with a small or large group. Catalyst provides a personalized, single-access platform for learners to call on throughout their DiSC journey.

Immediately relevant to everyday life

Catalyst allows participants to compare their DiSC styles to their colleagues’ styles in real time, so they can improve their working relationships while they’re occurring.

Profiles that don’t get filed away

We’re seeing 74% of learners returning to the Catalyst site. The ability to compare their style with others in the “Your Colleagues” and “Your Groups” sections brings them back again and again.

Customer testimonial

We have used Everything DiSC assessments for years, but Catalyst has helped drive the conversation and bridge the gap by giving people a common language and space to get started with building relationships, even if its over the phone, through e-mail, or on video calls. Our employees often reference Catalyst before a call to gain insight into how to make the most of their meeting.

Annie Vallier, training & development manager, Blount Fine Foods

Join a Catalyst demo

Are you wondering what Catalyst could look like in practice for your organization? Join one of our monthly Catalyst walk-throughs. You can see Catalyst in action and discuss any questions you have with one of our DiSC experts.

We host these webinars on the first Wednesday of every month at noon / 12 p.m. Central Time and the second Tuesday at 10 a.m. Central Time.

Register here »

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