Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®
Vision, Alignment, Execution: Discover the Work of Leaders
Bringing together the best practices from more than 300 experts in 150 organizations, plus the findings from prominent scholars and years of additional research, Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® reveals a simple, actionable path toward more effective leadership.
Its proven leadership principles connect directly to real-world demands today, generating powerful insights for leaders—or future leaders—of any size organization:
- Learn about the DiSC® model and how it can inform the role of leader.
- Discover your leadership style and priorities on the Everything DiSC Leadership Map.
- Find ways to adapt your natural style to be more effective with everyone looking to you for leadership.
- Learn and understand the three fundamental responsibilities of every leader:
- How to craft a Vision: imagine a future your organization can help make a reality
- How to create Alignment: get everyone to understand and commit to the shared vision
- How to champion Execution: ensure the conditions are present to turn the vision into reality
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders brochure
The learning experience
Based on a proven model of leadership—Vision, Alignment, and Execution—Everything DiSC Work of Leaders is designed to help uncover your unique DiSC leadership style and adapt it to provide a clear, actionable path to more effective leadership.
It's composed of four parts: a brief assessment, a comprehensive profile report, an optional classroom experience, and follow-up tools.
Participants begin with a proven, computer-adaptive assessment that reveals their DiSC styles and determines their leadership priorities based on the Work of Leaders model.
The results are translated into a detailed, 23-page profile that provides personalized strategies for crafting a Vision, building Alignment, and championing Execution.
Classroom training can help energize the experience with a customizable presentation, engaging videos, and 36 podcast segments further exploring the key principles of Vision, Alignment, and Execution.
Beyond the classroom learning, MyEverythingDiSC™ allows participants to take the benefits of their Work of Leaders profile with them wherever they go.
Work of Leaders profile (English)
- Stand-alone profile is ideal for anyone leading a group or organization.
- 23-page, leadership-specific report breaks down the work leaders do into intuitive, actionable components.
- Includes access to MyEverythingDiSC™, Wiley's mobile-friendly, interactive learning portal that lets you take your personalized DiSC insights everywhere you go.

Facilitation headquarters
Access all the tools and resources you need to facilitate training and bring the Everything DiSC experience to your organization.