Man laughing in a meeting with his team

Unlock the potential of your people

the DiSC circle with four quadrants
People are the most valuable assets of any organization. We provide the tools and support you need to help everyone in your workplace communicate more effectively, work together more productively, and become the positive, energetic contributors you need to thrive.

Explore the DiSC® Model

Everything DiSC is the best-selling personality assessment that's transforming workplaces everywhere.

Everything DiSC assessments can help you and your teams:

  • Improve self awareness
  • Understand other people and adapt to their behavior
  • Learn how to work together more productively
  • Transform conflict into collaboration
  • Develop stronger sales skills
  • Become more effective managers
  • Get more enjoyment out of every relationship
Woman in an office, smiling

Our numbers tell the story

20+ Years providing superior service
15,000+ Organizationshelped by
1,000,000+ Peopleevery year who use DiSC®
The DiSC map showing a C style

The original DiSC

Everything DiSC® is built on the original, assessment-based personality profile. It gives people a common language for improving communication, resolving conflict, adapting to other personalities, and making workplace interactions more effective and enjoyable.

DiSC style map

What does DiSC stand for?

DiSC is an acronym that represents the 4 main personality styles defined by the DiSC model:

D (Dominance): action-oriented, driven, independent
i (Influence): relationship-driven, energetic, enthusiastic
S (Steadiness): collaborative, reliable, supportive
C (Conscientiousness): logical, objective, focused on quality

Learn more about each DiSC style's typical priorities, preferences, stressors, and communication styles.

Already know what you need?

Learn more about Catalyst

The new way to engage and connect with Everything DiSC®

Shape your organization's culture with Catalyst, the personalized, mobile-enabled platform that helps build the social and emotional skills your people need to improve communication and empower action.

TV screen showing virtual meeting

Improve teamwork

Building successful teams doesn't happen by chance. It starts with teamwork, a skill that can be taught and learned like any other. Learn more about our assessments for teams!

Facilitator leading a small-group session

Facilitation headquarters

Access the tools and resources you need to facilitate training and get the most out of your Everything DiSC® experience.

Woman in an office, smiling with crossed arms

Hiring? You'll need a guide.

Connect to the data-driven power of assessments to make smarter hiring and employee-development decisions.